Contact Us
T: 01787 223800 E: admin@opticalbenfund.comAbout Us
Who we are
The Benevolent Fund exists to alleviate financial hardship for optometrists and their dependents. Assistance may be offered to beneficiaries for the short or long term. The funds are mostly derived from donations from the Association of Optometrists (AOP) and the College of Optometrists but we also receive donations from individuals or occasionally via legacies. The fund is administered by ten Honorary Trustees appointed by the AOP and the College. The Trustees are members of the optometric profession with considerable experience in the optical sector.
The Benevolent fund is a member of the The Association of Charitable Organisations (formerly Association of Charity Officers) which is the national UK umbrella body for Trusts and Foundations that give grants and welfare support to individuals in need. A representative of the Benevolent Fund attends the special ‘Under Fives’ meetings, regularly held in London, which are arranged especially for solo workers and members of small teams.
Please look through this website to see what we can offer. Contact us by letter, telephone, e mail, or by filling in the form from this website.
Are you looking for help?
If you are in need of financial support we will be delighted to hear from you. We can come and see you at your home, if you wish, to see if we can help. There is no charge to you for this visit, and our experienced team may be able to offer more than just money. If you are not sure whether or not you are eligible, please contact us anyway and we will be able to advise you and maybe suggest additional sources of help. Needless to say, our services are confidential and your privacy will be respected at all times.
How to make a complaint
If you are unhappy about any aspect of the Benevolent Fund, please inform the Administrative Secretary, using the contact information above. Communication should be by post or e mail but an initial approach may be made by telephone.
Formal complaints must be made as soon as possible (and no later than three months after the event about which there is a complaint) in writing by letter to the address above or email to the Chair (
For a full version of our Complaints Policy and Procedure, please click on the Document Library link at the top left of this page. Or click here.
Contact Us
T: 01787 223800 E: